June 19th: The Puja and delivering the mind of the deceased will be performed. This puja is done for the sake of people and animals who have passed away. Through the power of sacred substances, mantras, and samadhi, their negativity and obscurations can be purified and their consciousness delivered to the Pure lands. In order to do this, we need a piece of the deceased’s bone, hair, or at least their name to be used in the puja. Khenpo Namchak Dorje will give teachings.
June 20th: Vajra Master Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche will perform the Fire Puja on the Four Activities simultaneously. The four activities are: Pacifying fire Puja, Magnetizing fire puja, Enriching fire puja and the Fire Puja of Subjugating activities.
June 21st: Receive the Siddhi (the blessed substances).
June 22nd: In the morning, there will be Bodhicitta Monlam (recitation of prayer) session, and the afternoon will be the Tibetan Cultural Festival.
Visit Official Website for more information. https://www.ewam.org/retreats