OM Svasti
He who conquers all elaboration of the characteristics of subject-object duality
With the brilliance of his changeless, death-free great bliss vajra,
The glorious protector guru whose self-awareness is ultimate truth
Indivisible with the mind stream of the three roots and life-deity mandala,
May the glorious Khenchen Lama, elegantly arranging
The mountain lands of teaching, debating, and writing
In the midst of a water treasure of profound heart-created great blessing,
Pray, may that one who wears the sun and moon of altruistic activities as earrings
Live a long and steadfast life.
Who took form on the peaks of faith, merit, devotion, and goodness in Tibet Where the precious teaching of the conqueror became the basis of health and happiness,
The one who obtained birth at this time from an Utpala lotus of virtue
Rich with the ambrosia of ten million acquired good qualities
And is the single medicine gathered by lucky bees,
Pray, may Khenchen Paljeapa Dorje live a long and steadfast life.
He who has the unconquerable, changeless vajra body
Perpetually embracing the glory of perfect marks and signs,
May that which teaches the path of blissfully ordering
Sight, sound, recollection, and touch, the joy-making vajra body,
Live a long and steadfast life.
He whose unhindered secret speech, whose unconquerable vajra voice,
Has the contemplative strength to discipline people and places needing it,
And does so by making clear how the teaching of the conqueror
Can seduce with what delights, may joy-making vajra speech
Live a long and steadfast life.
He whose deeply peaceful, concept-free clear light essence of mind,
Perpetually embracing the deathless great bliss vajra,
Perfects the mandala of kind kenning with careful mind’s perspicacity,
May that joy-making vajra mind live a long and steadfast life.
By the power of the profound interdependence which connects and joins Ultimate truth, dharmas themselves beyond concept, and Relative truth, having dharmas whose cause and effect are free of deception,
May Paljeapa Dorje, Joyous Vajra, live a long and steadfast life.
Solely mentally concerned about the benefit of others,
All your deeds a door which benefits teachings and living beings In this age of extreme degeneration,
may the heart’s desire
For a spiritual friend like you be spontaneously fulfilled.
May the three most excellent ones, the long-life deities, the dharma protectors And givers of truth, and may all of us, by the power of pure altruistic faith and devotion,
Just as we have requested here, have all the good results of our prayers
Totally accomplished for the perfect and peaceful benefit of both self and others.
So the prayer by the (Path-Knowing King) Lamchen Gaylpo Rinpoche, which was written on the birthday of Khentrul Paljeapa Dorje, increases excellent virtue.
Translated at the request of Khenchen Paljeapa Dorje by Palden Lotsawa (James Rutke) during the month of August 2008