H.H Khenchen Lama Rinpoche Taiwan Teachings: One Hundred Buddhas Samantabhadra Stupa Ceremony 18- 20 Sept 2019
I’m so happy I’m here in Taiwan. We are doing a Stupa for the good health of the environment everywhere in the world.
We started this last year. Today we are doing the consecration and tomorrow we will do a Ceremony of 100 Buddhas and for the environment to change to be healthy and everyone to take good care of the environment. Also, we will do meditation of 100 Buddhas and meditation for all people who have passed away.
Also joy for all my students in Taiwan. If you feel joy and if you like, you are welcome to come to the Samantabhadra Stupa Ceremony. Lunch will be free.
In Dharma Blessing. Khenchen Lama.
Welcome to Taiwan!
I am here for the second time in Taiwan. I really hope we will do great meditation and hope everyone will change to the right path and understand the nature of mind. And to also practice the Four Roots every day and follow the Buddha Dharma.
Thank you for the really good organization. There are five different Centers and there will be different teachings, different people and with different traditions including Nyingma, Kagyu, Sagku, Gelugpa and Jonang.
I will try my best. Thank you.
Inner Blessing.
Khenchen Lama