
Like in every other meditation, motivation is very important – it is fundamental. First begin with motivation. In Dream Yoga, the motivation is for sentient beings to reach the Liberation of Dream Luminosity.

Secondly, lie on your right side like Buddha Shakyamuni did at his Parinirvana. Visualize yourself as your yidam and you are lying with your head on Guru Rinpoche’s foot. At your heart chakra, visualize your yidam Sarasvati or Manjushris and they are small. At your throat chakra, visualize Guru Rinpoche/Padmasambhava.

You do not have other thoughts. You have only one wish. This wish has three parts: that you will go to Dewachen; that you understand your previous lives and that you will do meditation in the dream. Only focus on these things.

Do the mantra of OM AH HUNG SHRI DRUM or OM BUDDHA TSURU MA TSURU KEY SOHA. Do one of these mantras for a short time and then do dedication.

Together with the visualization, this is Dream Yoga meditation. Then go to sleep.

It is very important to focus on this one thing, your wish. When you do this, you will see your past, present and future lives. You will know who you are. There are three fruitions in Dream Yoga. The first fruition is you understand samsara and this life. Secondly you will understand tantra and Dharma things. Thirdly you will understand luminosity, clear light and liberation mind.

This is a short teaching and everything is here.
Inner Luminosity, Khenchen Lama


Dreams can be good and bad. They are good if they are in the early morning for about two hours from 4:30am to 6:30am. All these good dreams are true. If it is a bad dream in this time then bad things will come true.

If you sleep in the day time or noon or evening, these dreams are your past or future or you are thinking is dream. These are not true. If we think is a problem and the dream is not during the two hours in the early morning, the dream is not a problem. If we think the dream is special and it doesn’t happen in the two hours in the early morning then it isn’t special.

Padmasambhava and great masters it doesn’t matter what time they dream. But otherwise it is the two hours early in the morning that is important. Otherwise it is confusing for people. When you dream, check the time as it is important.

This early morning is usually when people might go to Buddhahood; go to Padmsambhava or you see your Master. These dreams are all during this two hour time 4:30am to 6:30am. When you dream, check carefully the time. Depending on the time of the dream you can believe it or not believe it. If you have a bad dream in this early morning time then do obstacle removal meditation. Otherwise it doesn’t matter as is not true.

Inner Dream Yoga. Khenchen Lama.