21 Tibetan Yoga
The body movements of Tibetan Meditation Yoga are a gentle sequence of movements that is intended to balance energies in the body and enhance well-being and health. The postures and gentle movements need to be practiced slowly. All practitioners experience obstacles whether these manifest as difficulties in physical or mental health. The purpose of this yoga is to support practitioners in overcoming these obstacles.
The body movements of Tibetan Meditation Yoga has come down the Tibetan Buddhist Lineage from Longchen Rabjampa, better known as Longchenpa (1308-1363 AD). He was the pre-eminent Dzogchen Master who wrote many books and poems. Following a vision revealed in a dream, I have added one posture to this sequence. I teach the 21 Body Movements of Tibetan Meditation Yoga to all of my students to optimize the health of their body and mind as well as it being a support to their meditation practices. This includes those practicing the most advanced teachings which enable recognizing the nature of mind. If done daily, the 21 Body movements of Tibetan Meditation Yoga foster long life, giving a practitioner more opportunity to continue to practice meditation and realize the nature of mind.
Khenchen Lama Rinpoche, Tibetan Meditation Yoga : Ancient Teachings Living Today
Mudras Yoga : Yoga of Fingers
There are also different mantras that enhance the finger yoga. For example, the middle finger can be linked to the sound of OM. The baby finger to AH. The index finger to HUNG. While the ring finger is Hri and the thumb is ‘TRAM’ or ‘DRUM’. Sometimes, Drum can mean mandala. TRAM means the Five Buddhas and the Five Wisdoms. Each time we touch our thumb to another finger, it symbolizes contacting the Five Buddhas and the Five Wisdoms along with the emotion or mantra for that finger. You can do these simple mudra sequences as many times as you like throughout the day.
OM – Thumb and middle finger – Joy
AH – Thumb and baby finger – Wish Fullfilling
HUNG -Thumb and index finger – Peace
HRI – Thumb and ring finger – Power
Khenchen Lama Rinpoche, Tibetan Meditation Yoga: Ancient Teachings Living Today
Guru Rinpoche Mantras and Mudras
Guru Rinpoche meditation is very important because all tantra traditions come from Guru Rinpoche, the Primordial Guru. He manifested Rainbow Body and so never died. For children and young people, it is very easy for them to do this practice. If they do this as they grow up, this will help them have a meaningful life. It also helps adults to have a meaningful life.
I did the special teachings of postures, mantra and mudra. I taught OM AH HUNG BENZRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUNG.
When we say OM AH HUNG we are taking refuge. Refuge is taken in three ways: outer, inner and secret.
In outer refuge, OM is taking refuge in the Buddha; AH is taking refuge in the Dharma and HUNG is taking refuge in the Sangha. In inner refuge, OM is taking refuge in the Dharmakaya. AH is taking refuge in the Sambhogakaya while HUNG is taking refuge in the Nirmanakaya. In secret refuge, OM is my body; AH is my speech and HUNG is my mind. And I recognize and believe with confidence that as a practitioner, my body, speech and mind are the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and are the Great Liberation. In my lineage we do outer, inner and secret refuge.
To do this mantra practice, OM is said with the palms of your hands together and placed on top of your head.
AH is said by crossing your arms across your chest with your palms on the opposite side of the upper part of your chest. Your fingers are touching your chest just below your shoulders.
HUNG is said with your thumbs together touching the crown of your head. Also, bring your fingers together in each hand and have your index fingers touching. This looks like a heart on the top of your head. The rest of the mudras are done at the heart chakra. One hand represents the male Buddhas while the other hand represents their yabyum consort.
BENZRA is said while placing the hands together and fingers entwined. Then place the index fingers together and standing up. This represents Vajrasattva. Leaving your hands at your heart chakra, raise your elbows to the side for all the remaining mudras.
GURU is said with your hands together with all your fingers entwined and your thumbs are together and up. This represents Guru Padmasambhava.
PADMA is said with your hands still together; fingers entwined and ring fingers are together and up. This represents Amitahba.
SIDDHI is said with your hands together; fingers entwined and baby fingers together and up. This represents Amoghasiddhi Buddha who is the Buddha of Activity.
HUNG is again with your hands together, fingers entwined and index fingers together and up. This represents Vairochana Buddha.
Together these hand mudras are the Five Buddhas and their consorts blessing you. They are also blocking the five poisons. It is important to really believe that Guru Rinpoche mantra finishes all negativity and allows the Five Wisdoms to manifest in you. With these Wisdoms, you understand that you are Buddha Enlightenment.
To do this practice, it is important to begin with visualizing Guru Rinpoche. Secondly, while doing this Yoga meditation, visualize Guru Rinpoche blessing you. Thirdly, it is important to understand that you are the same as Guru Rinpoche because you too have Buddha nature.
When you are finished, dedicate this Yoga meditation practice to all sentient beings so they attain the Great Rainbow Body, the Great Liberation. In this Yoga meditation practice we are using postures, mudras and mantra together. This is my Heart Yoga meditation for all of my students.
In Dharma Blessings. Khenchen Lama.