Guru Rinpoche and Four Roots Empowerment in Hong Kong

蓮師十三金法灌頂暨貝扎新寶藏四根本口傳 日期:2024年6月1日 時間:7:00PM 地點:旺角廣華街48號廣發商業中心401室 主法:貝扎法王堪欽喇嘛仁波切 翻譯:艾旺洛本鄔金仁波切 《座位有限·先到先得.歡迎查詢.隨喜供養》 FOR ENQUIRES, SCAN QR CODE TO CONTACT CENTER. OFFICIAL WEBSITE : HTTPS://AWAMOGMINYOGACENTER.ORG

Empowerment and Teachings, Central London

H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche =AZW10YH2bgiJbeqM72X-NNHq07JqCG5sFp4Vk-VhUTx15GiiFRuj4ryQKj4vz-RXdwFcb_nYblfn6ehBmGXcqfb_U5R8YO_DLEUf_dpZ9FDy4DaPn_CHGCi2t8aXLeNZyszXoT4ZmbzAXmPUtkgA5jfQXFtMAMg9KQrMeOCdZNmbD8f-VAZa7xudEQvwvUUSrAaufrRDGv52wjMkRILymYXw&__tn__=-]K-R">] will be offering 1. Secret Rigpa Guru Yoga Empowerment, Transmission and Teachings 2.Dorje Gotrab Empowerment, Transmission and Teachings Venue: Central London (near Old Street Station) Date & Time: August 25 12-5pm. No fee, limited space, please message Rigzin Mingyur Dorje to register.  

Guru Rinpoche Empowerment in SG Oct’24

Great Perfection Pure Land Association 6 Beng Wan Road, Singapore, Singapore

GURU RINPOCHE EMPOWERMENT AND TEACHINGS BY H.H.KHENCHEN LAMA RINPOCHE Dear Students and Friends, We are pleased to inform all that Rinpoche will be conducting Guru Rinpoche Empowerment on 12th October 2024, Saturday, 10:00am - 12:00pm in Singapore. Rinpoche will also confer the oral transmission of Sampa Lhundrupma and Teaching on the Mantra and Mudra practice of Guru Rinpoche. After the empowerment and teachings there will be a blessing session for all. This is an in-person event and Rinpoche will be on Facebook LIVE during the oral transmission of Sampa Lhundrupma (text). Details of Event: Date: 12 October 2024, Saturday Time: 10am-12pm Location: 6 Bengwan Road, Singapore 339838 (near Boon Keng MRT) Kindly scan the QR code attached in the poster to register your attendance (only for in-person, no registration required for online). See below instructions on how to scan QR code on a mobile device. Thank you. Texts: 1. Guru Rinpoche Empowerment: 2. Chapter Seven: The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes (Sampa Lhundrupma) revealed by Tulku Zangpo Drakpa: 3. Mantra and Mudra practice of Guru Rinpoche: LOCAL TIME (FACEBOOK LIVE): UNITED KINGDOM : 3:00AM SLOVENIA/SWEDEN: 4:00AM HELSINKI: 5:00AM NEW DELHI/ SIKKIM: 7:30AM NEPAL: 7:45AM BHUTAN: 8:00AM HANOI:/BKK 9:00AM TP/KL/SG/HK: 10:00AM PHOENIX, AZ (USA): 7:00PM (11 OCT) NEW YORK (USA): 10:00PM (11 OCT) ARGENTINA: 11:00PM (11 OCT) CALGARY: 8:00PM (11 OCT) Instructions on how to scan QR code: First, save the poster onto your mobile device. Open your mobile device camera function, select the poster and open poster in camera mode, next, tap on the QR code on the poster, then select 'Open Safari' (for iPhone user). Android users may use same method of scanning the QR code in camera mode, if the link does not appear, press and hold the screen on the QR code so Google Lens will scan it and give you the link.


Guru Rinpoche Empowerment Hungary 2024

Karmapa House, Budapest Budapest, Hungary

EMPOWERMENTS AND TEACHINGS BY H.H.KHENCHEN LAMA RINPOCHE IN HUNGARY 2024 Dear Students and Friends, We are pleased to inform all that Rinpoche will be conferring empowerments and teachings in Hungary from 31st October to 1st November 2024. Rinpoche will be conferring the Guru Rinpoche, King Gesar and Dorje Gotrab Empowerments and Teachings in this two days visit to Hungary. Details of Event: GURU RINPOCHE EMPOWERMENT Date: 31 October 2024, Thursday, Dharmapala Day Time: 5:00-7:00pm Location: Karmapa House, Budapest Registration Link:   For more information on the programme, kindly contact the organiser, Hungarian Karma-Kagyüpa Buddhist Community at:   Thank you and Tashi Delek!

King Gesar and Dorje Gotrab Empowerment Hungary 2024

Nemrot's Golden Garden Temple, Tar Tar, Hungary

EMPOWERMENTS AND TEACHINGS BY H.H.KHENCHEN LAMA RINPOCHE IN HUNGARY 2024 Dear Students and Friends, We are pleased to inform all that Rinpoche will be conferring empowerments and teachings in Hungary from 31st October to 1st November 2024. Rinpoche will be conferring the Guru Rinpoche, King Gesar and Dorje Gotrab Empowerments and Teachings in this two days visit to Hungary. Details of Event: KING GESAR AND DORJE GOTRAB EMPOWERMENTS Date: 1st November 2024, Friday, New Moon Time: 10:00 - 1:00pm Location: Nemrot’s Golden Garden Temple, Tar Registration Link: For more information on the programme, kindly contact the organiser, Hungarian Karma-Kagyüpa Buddhist Community at: Thank you and Tashi Delek!

Harmonogram nauczania Khenczenlamy Rinpocze w Polsce na rok 2024

Lasek 1, Kozia Wies Lasek 1, Kozia Wies, Poland

H.H.KHENCHEN LAMA RINPOCHE’S TEACHING SCHEDULE IN POLAND FOR 2024 Dear Students and Friends, Tashi Delek! We are happy to inform that Rinpoche will confer the Manjushri empowerment and teachings in Poland on 3 November 2024. Rinpoche will also confer the oral transmissions of the Four Roots practice in this session. This is an in-person event and empowerment will not be broadcast online. However, Rinpoche will confer the oral transmission of Four Roots practice online to Facebook participants. Harmonogram nauczania Khenczenlamy Rinpocze w Polsce na rok 2024 Rinpocze udzieli inicjacji Manjsuri oraz praktyki i inicjacji Czterech Korzeni Z przyjemnością informujemy, że Rinpoche udzieli inicjacji i nauk Mandziuśriego w Polsce 3 listopada 2024 r. Rinpoche udzieli również ustnych przekazów praktyki Czterech Korzeni podczas tej sesji. Jest to wydarzenie osobiste, a inicjacja nie będzie transmitowana online. Jednak Rinpoche udzieli ustnego przekazu praktyki Czterech Korzeni online dla uczestników na Facebooku. Date: 3 November 2024, Sunday Time: 2:30pm Venue: Lasek 1, 29-105 Kozia Wieś, Poland Uczestnicy będą mogli dołączyć do nas od godz. 13:30 na wspólnym posiłku przygotowanym przez organizatora. Participants may join from 1:30pm for a shared meal prepared by the organiser. Tłumacz: Marcin Piątkowski +48 537 976 188 Więcej informacji można uzyskać kontaktując się z: Email (Ania & Wojtek): Email (Official Website): Dziękuję Thank you

Guru Rinpoche Empowerment & Teachings

Secret Rigpa Guru Yoga Empowerment and Teachings Date: 4th November 2024 , Monday Time: 7pm - 9pm Venue: Register to receive venue address. Location: Teropil, Western Ukraine The Secret Rigpa Guru Yoga Practice is a terma revealed by Nubchen Sangye Yeshe. This is the main Guru Yoga practice of Awam Lineage. Register your attendance via Whatsapp! For further enquires kindly email to (Gesar Monastery)

Droje Drolod Empowerment and Hung Teachings

Dorje Drolod Empowerment and HUNG Teachings Date: 5th November 2024 , Tuesday Time: 9am-11am  (tentative) Venue: Register to receive venue address. Location: Teropil, Western Ukraine The Droje Drolo is a terma revealed by Khenchen Lama Rinpoche . This is the main Yidam practice of Awam Lineage. Register your attendance via Whatsapp! Scan QR code on poster to register! For further enquires kindly email to (Gesar Monastery)

21 Tibetan Yogas Workshop

SOMA Centar Gradišćanska 16/1, 1.kat Bodywork&psihoterapija, Zagreb zapad, Zagreb zapad, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

21 TIBETAN YOGAS WORKSHOP BY H.H.KHENCHEN LAMA RINPOCHE Dear Students and Friends, Tashi Delek! We are happy to inform that Rinpoche will be conducting a 21 Tibetan Yogas workshop on 9th November 2024, Saturday at Soma Centar, Croatia. The workshop will cover the 21 core practices of Tibetan Yoga improving physical health and balancing the mind as outlined by master Longchenpa. You will also learn basic hand mudras and finger yoga for health and balance. Date: 9 November 2024, Saturday Time: 1 - 2pm Venue: Gradišćanska 16/1, 1.kat Bodywork&psihoterapija, Soma centar, Zagreb zapad, Croatia This is an in-person event only. Kindly register your attendance with the organiser via Whatsapp by scanning the QR code in the attached poster. Admission is Free. For more information, email Soma Centar at:  or Resources: 1.Movements of 21 Tibetan Yogas video: 2. 21 Tibetan Yogas text: Thank you.

Guru Rinpoche Seven-Line Prayer Teaching in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2024

Bosnia, Visoko Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina

165TH AWAM MONLAM CHENMO ON GURU RINPOCHE DAY (IN-PERSON & ONLINE)Dear Students and Friends,Tashi Delek !We are pleased to inform all that Rinpoche will be on Facebook LIVE from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Visoko  on Guru Rinpoche Day, 11 November 2024, Monday at 10am (Bosnia time).Rinpoche will teach on Dzogchen meditation and the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche in this session. The session will be in-person and broadcast online on Rinpoche's Official Facebook page.We invite all Bosnian dharma practitioners to join in this in-person teaching event with Rinpoche. To register your attendance, kindly scan on the QR code in the attached poster to send your details to Mihael. After registration, you will receive the address of the teaching venue.For enquires in writing, email or official@khenchenlama.comThank you and we look forward to your participation!OM AH HUNG BENZA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUNG.Sa zadovoljstvom obavještavamo sve da će Rinpoche biti na Facebooku UŽIVO iz Bosne, Visoko na dan Guru Rinpochea, 11. novembra 2024., ponedjeljak u 10 sati (po bosanskom vremenu).Na ovoj sesiji, Rinpoče će naučiti Gurua Rinpočea o Dzogchen meditaciji i molitvi od sedam redova. Sesija će se održati lično i prenositi online na Rinpocheovoj službenoj Facebook stranici.Pozivamo sve bosanske praktikante dharme da se pridruže ovom pojedinačnom podučavanju sa Rinpocheom. Da biste registrirali svoje prisustvo, skenirajte QR kod na priloženom plakatu i pošaljite svoje podatke Mihaelu. Nakon registracije dobit ćete adresu mjesta održavanja nastave.Za upite u pisanoj formi pišite na ili official@khenchenlama.comHvala vam i radujemo se vašem učešću!LOCAL TIME (FACEBOOK LIVE):UNITED KINGDOM : 9:00AMSLOVENIA/SWEDEN: 10:00AMHELSINKI: 11:00AMNEW DELHI/ SIKKIM: 2:30PMNEPAL: 2:45PMBHUTAN: 3:00PMHANOI:/BKK 4:00PMTP/KL/SG/HK: 5:00PMPHOENIX, AZ (USA): 2:00AMNEW YORK (USA): 4:00AMMELBOURNE: 8:00PMARGENTINA: 6:00AMCALGARY: 2:00AM.