Kurukulle Empowerment and Teaching

Awam Ling Turku, Finland

Kurukulle Empowerment and Teaching from the Yogi lineage treasures of Padma Dragnag Lingpa confer by H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. Venue: Awam Ling, Turku, Finland Email organiser to register.

White Tara Empowerment and Teaching on Dakini Day

Awam Ling Turku, Finland

White Tara Empowerment and Teaching from the Yogi lineage treasures of Padma Dragnag Lingpa confer by H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. Venue: Awam Ling, Turku, Finland To register email organiser.

King Gesar Empowerment and Teaching

Awam Ling Turku, Finland

King Gesar Empowerment and Teaching from the Yogi lineage treasures of Padma Dragnag Lingpa confer by H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. Venue: Awam Ling, Turku, Finland Email the organiser for more info and registration.

White Manjushri Empowerment and Teaching

Awam Ling Turku, Finland

White Manjushri Empowerment and Teaching from the Yogi lineage treasures of Padma Dragnag Lingpa confer by H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. Venue: Awam Ling, Turku, Finland To register email organiser.

Ekajati, Rahula and Dorje Lekpa Teaching and Oral transmission on Dharmapala Day

Awam Ling Turku, Finland

Ekajati, Rahula and Dorje Lekpa Teaching and Oral transmission from the Yogi lineage treasures of Padma Dragnag Lingpa confer by H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. Date: 20th March 2023, Monday Dharma Protector Day EKAJATI RAHULA DORJE LEKPA Venue: Awam Ling, Turku, Finland To register email organiser.

Empowerment and Teachings from the Neck Pouch Dagger (Purba Gulkhukma) Cycle

Drala Thang Koroistentie 6 A, Helsinki, Finland

Dear Students and Friends, We are pleased to inform Rinpoche will confer the empowerment, teachings and oral transmissions of the Purba Gulkhukma cycle at Drala Thang. Empowerment and Teachings: The Single Mind Kīla Practice, Part of the 'Neck-Pouch Dagger’ (Purba Gulkhukma) Cycle by H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Oral Transmissions: Bestowing the Splendour of All That is Desirable : Fire Offering for the 'Neck-Pouch Dagger’ (Purba Gulkhukma) Cycle Offering to the Dharma Guardians of the 'Neck-Pouch Dagger’ (Purba Gulkhukma) Cycle The Confession and Fulfilment Practice Entitled 'Offering Clouds of Samantabhadra' - Part of the 'Neck-Pouch Dagger’ (Purba Gulkhukma) Cycle

Dorje Gotrab Empowerment

H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche Hong Kong Teaching Schedule Date: 30 July 2023 Time: 3:30 -7:00pm Seats are limited, register / enquiry via Whatsapp QR code 忿怒蓮師總集為蓮華猛咒州(貝扎)新寶藏的精華結晶,其為三根總集蓮師之所有的威猛忿怒力;當中包含:上師蓮花王、猩红蠻暴力、威猛密咒主、金剛鎧甲、蓮師獅子吼、 獅面空行母、吉祥金翅鳥和格薩爾財神等等。此法擁有完整法本導引及外內密等修法,並完備生圓次第和大圓滿指導。 感謝法王選擇香港作為全球首次傳授的地方,是次場地提供不多於60個座位,中心不設報名留位服務;請各位師兄和法友準時進場,並跟隨中心義工指示 ,好讓法會流程順利。如有疑問;歡迎WhatsApp留言查詢,謝謝大家的合作和關注。

Guru Rinpoche Day Tsok Offering

Great Perfection Pure Land Association 6 Beng Wan Road, Singapore, Singapore

Guru Rinpoche Day Tsok Offering with H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche Dear Dharma Students and Friends, Happy Guru Rinpoche Day! We are pleased to inform all that Rinpoche will be conducting Guru Rinpoche Day Tsok Offering today. Anniversary of Guru Dorje Trotreng Tsal, one of Guru Padmasambhava's manifestation. On the 10th day of the month of the Mouse, Guru Padmasambhava assumed the divine form of Vajrakumara at Yanglesho (Pharping) in Nepal and subdued all the local deities and negative forces. He performed the sadhana of Palchen Yangdak (Sri Visuddha Heruka) and attained the Vidyadhara stage of Mahamudra realisation. He became known as Guru Dorje Trotreng Tsal or Vajra Kapalamalin, the Adamantine Guru with the garland of skulls. Details of Programme: Date: 24 October 2023 Time: 7:00pm Venue: Great Perfection Pureland Centre, 6 Bengwan Road Singapore 339838 (near Boon Keng  MRT) Thank you and we look forward to your participation! OM AH HUNG BENZA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUNG! This programme will not be available on Facebook LIVE.

Finland Teaching Schedule December 2023

Drala Thang Koroistentie 6 A, Helsinki, Finland

1.Guru Padmasambhava Empowerment 2.Teaching & Commentary on the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava: Transmission of The White Lotus by Mipham Rinpoche Date: 2nd December 2023, Saturday Venue: Helsinki City, Drala Thang Time: To be advised Contact Kunpen Odzer