Full Moon and Eclipse, Guru Rinpoche Day and King Gesar Statues – Great Perfection Centre, Singapore
Today is Very Good news!
Guru Rinpoche day is Thurs July 11…The full moon and eclipse is next Tues July 16. I feel happy this great project has happened.
Guru Rinpoche’s birthday present. Guru Rinpoche’s manifestation of Dharmapala King Gesar, Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava and 16 Welma Victory of Dharmapalas statutes have arrived. This means Buddha, Guru and also Dharmapala. The statutes are great quality crystal.
I’d like to say thank you very much to the sponsors from the Great Perfection Center members in Singapore. And also, thank you Pema Khandro. And my last sponsor. These sponsors made offerings and I did a great order. This really benefits sentient beings and especially benefits this world.
I will offer one statute for each family who sponsored the King Gesar statutes. These will help your practice be better and better. And help each family have peace; great success in business and your wishes comes true.
I am so happy this is now done, this great order of King Gesar.
Whoever might need a King Gesar statute, if you are in Malaysia, Hong Kong, USA, UK, Slovenia, Spain, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Viet Nam and China, please contact me.
Thank you again.
All the best to you all, Guru Rinpoche and King Gesar Victory Dharmapalas.
In Buddha Dharma. Guru Blessing everyone.
Inner Guru Blessings.
Khenchen Lama.