H.H. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche: Venerable Chakung Lama Tsewang Rinpoche in Singapore 14 Dec 2019
Important Teachings Coming!
Good morning everyone.
Today I have an important message for all of my students in Asia. I am sharing this because it is very important that practitioners know this. People who are not practitioners, don’t understand. This is because if you are not a practitioner, this means you are focused on business, politics, and samsara things and don’t understand true Dharma. Often people will go to Dharma things and follow if there are many people in the group and outwardly the person has a very high chair and lots of public advertising. Many people think this is very great and especially if the person teaching has a very high name.
A true Dharma practitioner is not like this way. Instead, especially as a teacher, they are very humble. They have really great renunciation and Bodhicitta. They also have great understanding of Dzogpachenpo.
As an example of a great practitioner and teacher, I’d like to tell you about H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche’s nephew, Venerable Lama Tsewang. Beginning when he was very young, he was with H.H. Jigme Phuntsok. Venerable Lama Tsewang has all outer transmissions, Blessings, empowerments and all of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok’s lineages. Also, he has done meditation in holy places, retreats, practices and meditation. He also teaches. Especially, he studied the international language, English, and he has perfect English. A lot of people in America, Europe and Australia are his students and really love his teachings.
Also, his knowledge is great and he is really mindful of Dharma. He does meditation every day. He is really a true practitioner. I have included his short history here.
Ven Chakung Lama Tsewang was born in 1980 in Serta, eastern Tibet. He is a qualified Tibetan meditation teacher and retreat master. Lama Tsewang received his early Buddhist education from his uncle H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and became a monk at the age of eight. He studied Buddhist philosophy, Sutra, and Tantra at Serta Larung Buddhist University in Larung until his uncle passed away in 2004. At Larung, Lama Tsewang was appointed by H.H. Jigme Phuntsok as the vice president for the environment where he facilitated various environmental awareness projects in the region. He engaged in social service activities with villagers at Larung through the teaching about, and conservation of the environment. After 2004, Lama Tsewang continued studying in India and on retreat in holy places throughout the Himalayas including Bhutan, Sikkim, and Nepal.
In 2016, Lama Tsewang founded the Memorial Translation House, established for the purpose of translating the collected works of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok. Lama Tsewang currently lives in Melbourne, Australia where he is dedicated to teaching various levels of meditation to suit the needs of all people.
I have known him since he was very young and up until now. I know he is doing everything well. He has a very great heart and is a great Master. I always call him Lama Rinpoche. I call him this because I respect that he is a really great Lama and a precious great Master. Usually, he doesn’t like being called Rinpoche and using high names. He always uses his ordinary name. This is a true Lama’s nature. And, because I really greatly respect him, I call him Lama Rinpoche.
Because H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche has passed away, his nephew and His Holiness’s dakini, Mutso Rinpoche, have his lineage to take care of. This is a human lineage, Dzogchen lineages to take care of. H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche was the best teacher and a great Master. This reason we followed H.H. Jigme Phuntsok who had great Treasure lineages. His students, Mutso Rinpoche and Venerable Lama Tsewang take care of these lineages now that H.H. Jigme Phuntsok has passed.
Many people don’t know this, so I am sharing with all of my students. Because we respect our lineages and we respect our true Dharmas. This means, whoever takes care of good Dharma, this is who we respect. If you follow him, you will never lose your Dharma. Your Dharma view, meditation, activity and action will become better and better.
Then, all of my students in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Asian students follow him, study, and receive blessings from him.
Now people can have great benefit as Venerable Lama Tsewang is in Singapore. On 14 Dec, in the afternoon, he will teach for only two hours. He will be doing Vajrasattva teachings and blessings. He will also do some special things that H.H. Jigme Phuntsok gave to his students.
This is a great opportunity in these two hours!
If you are free, you must go to his teaching. For more information, please contact my website at Khenchenlama.com.
I am telling you this now, because we have a very special Jewel and many people don’t know. He is a true precious teacher and he is very close to your door.
If you didn’t open the door, this means it is your problem. There you have Buddhas but if you don’t look and instead follow the rich and only high names, this means you don’t have good karma.
It is also like having the sun and not going outside for fresh air. You have a very special Master there and if you don’t know, you can miss this very great opportunity. For this reason, I show you so everyone can have good karma.
All the best to you all.
Inner Respect Lama. Khenchen Lama.