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Anniversary of Milarepa and Marpa 6th-7th March 2023

Tashi Delek everyone.

I am well. On 6th March I will go to the capital of Finland for the anniversary of Milarepa. I will introduce Milarepa and teach his history as well as Milarepa’s Song. Also, I dreamed of whole history of Milarepa and Marpa.

The 7th March is Marpa’s anniversary. I will teach the Tradition of Marpa and “The Mahamudra of Ganges River” from H.H. Chosying Dorjee Rinpoche. I received this from H.H. Chosying Dorje Rinpoche in 1989. Also, I again met H.H. Marpa Chosying Dorjee Rinpoche in 2005.

Three times H.H. Chosying Dorje Rinpoche told me, “You teach in the West in the future.” Four times. I have taught these teachings that I received from him. Teaching at Dralha Thang will be my fifth time giving these teachings.

My Guru told me to teach Mahamudra; many people ask to receive the Mahamudra teachings and my Guru told me I am the incarnation of Milarepa. For these reasons, I will give these teachings.

This is the lineage of Dorjee Chanchen, Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, and Milarepa. Last life, and this life have the karma to teach Mahamudra and people have karma to learn more. This is why I share say this.

I am also going to teach “The Oral Instruction of the Garland of Views” by Guru Rinpoche. This is very important to understand the nature of the Views. My students ask what are our tradition’s view, meditation, activity, and action? In our lineage, I also have the long and short lineages from Guru Rinpoche. Our lineage has the Samsara View, the Non-Buddhist View, the 9 Yanas Views, and meditation, especially Dzogchen. Our lineage has everything.

During this time, I will teach these three things. If you would like to come to the Center you are very welcome. If you would like to receive the outer transmission online, you are also welcome. The teachings are long so they will not be done online.

Hopefully we will see you soon.

All the best to you all.

Inner Compassion, Khenchen Lama.