Ngagyur Kyenpo Monastery is the Official Seat of HH Khenchen Lama Rinpoche in Kham Tibet. We have to clarify that Ngagyur Kyenpo Monastery, Kham Tibet has never recognised Tshewang Tenzin of Pedling Dharma Chakra Incorporated Australia as the reincarnation of our great 2nd Khenchen Jamyang Drakpa Rinpoche (3rd Jamdrak Tulku Rinpoche).

The authentic 3rd Jamdrak Tulku Rinpoche had been officially recognised by Ngagyur Kyenpo Monastery and HH Khenchen Lama Rinpoche in 2018 and conferred with the Official Letter of Recognition and Seal of Approval.

The abovementioned person is not associated with Ngagyur Kyenpo Monastery, Kham Tibet, Awam Foundation and Awam Centers.

Palden Rigzin
Samostan Awam Gesar, Sl
Representing Ngagyur Kyenpo Monastery
HH Khenchen Lama Rinpoche
Awam Foundation and Awam Centers