Saturday, May 25, 9 am, The Great Cloud of Blessings: The Prayer Which Magnetizes All that Appears and All that Exists by Mipham Rinpoche, an important prayer to H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche – presentation.
Sunday, May 26, 9 am, The Nyingma Dharmapalas and the Five Buddha’s Mudras and Actions – presentation. The three principle protectors of the Nyingma lineage are Ekajaṭi, Rahula, and Dorje Legpa. Rinpoche will also demonstrate the Five Buddha hand gestures (mudras) and their actions. Suggested donation $20.
Monday, May 27, 6 pm, Tibetan Yogas – demonstration and instructions. Rinpoche will demonstrate the 21 Tibetan Yogas, as presented in his book, Tibetan Meditation Yoga: Ancient Teachings Living Today. Suggested donation $20. Suggested donation for all events $120.
No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.