
Q&A Session with H.H. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche and students from Slovenia

Dear all friends.
I’m happy to have done teachings and to have met everyone. I’m especially happy we were able to talk about Buddhism, Buddha’s history, Guru Rinpoche blessing, and doing mantra and mudra practice together. I am so happy with you all.

Now there are 13 questions I will try to answer.
1. What is Buddha nature? This is a very good question. Wonderful thinking! All beings’ mind is nature of Buddha. This means our mind’s nature is Buddha. That means all beings are Buddhism. But most people don’t understand. If you do meditation, then you know your Buddha nature. For example, body has elements. Speech has breathing. Mind is consciousness.

When you really recognize nature of your mind, it is Buddha. There is cause of Buddha and action of Buddha. Both of these have the same root and it is Buddha nature. Action of Buddha, is you actually recognize and understand nature of mind. The cause of Buddha is Buddha nature which you have already. But you haven’t done meditation yet so you don’t recognize Buddha nature.

2. What is reincarnation? This is a great question. The root of Buddhism believes everyone had a previous life and will have a next life. Reincarnation means we will have a next life. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas know they will 100% benefit others so they come back, reincarnate into samsara in a human body. Really reincarnation means you understand your previous life. Everyone has a previous life. If you don’t do meditation, you won’t remember your previous life and you won’t know your next life.

Reincarnation means, your mind never ends. Body changes many different ways but mind never changes and reincarnates, that is, comes next life and next life and the next etc.

3. Can anyone join the Sangha.? Of course, everyone can join the Sangha. This is Buddhism Sangha. Sangha is a Sanskrit word. In English it means group. It is a good, and positive group. When you believe in Buddha and Dharma, then you join Sangha. You follow Buddha and Dharma and this is a good, positive Sangha and it is joy.
Your community, business, and politics, are not Sangha. There may be joy here. But this is not positive joy like with Buddha and Dharma.

4. How did you get your name? My name is Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. Khenchen means great scholar, Buddhism master teacher. Lama means high master.

5. Why did you decide to become a Buddhist monk? I really understand samsara suffering. I had great renunciation. Then I wanted to go to a monastery. From when I was 3 years old until now, I have great renunciation. I also have an inner great path with many levels. This is the Nine Yanas path.

6. Does Buddhism believe in a Soul? This is similar to Buddha nature when you understand your Buddha nature.

7. What is your relationship to the world outside? My relationship to the outside world is to take care of the environment and to take care of people. This is my relationship to the world outside. I have outer, inner and secret levels to take care in this world.

8. The things that are happening to our environment, climate change and wars, how do you see these? Are you worried? Yes, I worry a lot because humans aren’t doing things in a positive way. Particularly in politics, business and rich people are not doing right. Instead, we should think more of taking care of and saving the earth; making sure we save and have clean water, that we have clean air; and we protect nature. Taking care of all of the environment and taking care of people. These are very important.

9. Conflict between Tibet and China. What is your opinion? I’m not a political person. I focus only on Dharma, meditation and Buddhism.

10. Have you ever met H.H. Dalai Lama? Yes, I have met H.H. Dalai Lama many times and we are good friends.

11. Why are mantras often accompanied by mudras? It is important to always do these together. This benefits our self, including our physical and mental health. It is very important. When you do this, you will understand exactly. If you don’t do these together, you won’t understand.

12. Do Buddhists drink alcohol? There are two understandings. In Hinayana Buddhism, one never drinks alcohol. In Tantra, we do drink alcohol for blessings and Tsok offerings.

13. Why celibacy? For monks and nuns, this is part of their renunciation. Celibacy is not required in the Yogi tradition. You ask yourself what is best for you. You have a great mind.

Thank you. These are all very good questions. It is important that you do more meditation now.

In Buddha Nature.
His Holiness Khenchen Lama Rinpoche