Capel Curig 2019: Retreat at Dzogchen Kalachakra
Capel Curig , United KingdomRinpoche will be in a three day retreat at Dzogchen Kalachakra Light Retreat Center from 13 Aug - 15 Aug.
Slovenia 2019: Teachings in Lendava, Slovenia
Izobraževalno-zdravilni Center, Gaberje, Glavna ulica 42-46, 9220 Lendava , SloveniaTEACHINGS OF H.E. KHENCHEN LAMA RINPOCHE IN SLOVENIA , 24. - 25. AUGUST 2019 You are kindly invited to join a special two-day Buddhist teaching of H.E. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche in Lendava, Slovenia, on 24th and 25th of August 2019! Everybody is welcome! PROGRAMME: TEACHINGS Saturday, August 24th, starting at 09:00 until Sunday 25th lunch time at 13:00 1) The importance of good conditions in Samsara and the nature of Nirvana, the elements of Compassion and Wisdom 2) Refuge & the good heart 3) Practice of Guru Yoga meditation, Yoga and Tummo 4) King Gesar Guru Yoga and Puja VENUE: Izobraževalno-zdravilni Center, Gaberje, Glavna ulica 42-46, 9220 Lendava DONATION: recommended minimum donation to cover the costs of the organization: 60 EUR / person. Includes two lunches, a dinner, a breakfast, lodging for one night in a wonderful centre, and most precious teachings of H.E. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche, If anyone sincerely cannot afford this amount, do contact us. REGISTRATION:; the number of participants is limited. For more information you can call 0038640619739 (Rinchen Palden) or 0038640272688 (Jamgon Tenzin). H.E Khenchen Lama Rinpoche - Organizer - The venue - ===
Singapore 2019 : Movements of the 21 Tibetan Yoga
Private , SingaporeRinpoche will teach the movements of the 21 Tibetan Yoga in a private event.
Singapore 2019: 1st Awam Monlam Chenmo
Awam Rigdzin Ling , Singapore1st Awam Monlam Chenmo Prayers with H.E Khenchen Lama Rinpoche on 13th September, Friday, Live On Facebook - H.E Khenchen Lama Rinpoche Official Facebook Page. Programme Outline: 9:00am - Information of Awam Monlam Chenmo 9:10am - Outer Transmission of Kajurs 9:15am - Four Roots Transmission 9:20am - Start of Awam Monlam Chenmo 9:30am - Closing Speech 9:30- 10:00am - Yogis and Yoginis do meditation at home or dharma centers Live Broadcast Times: 2:00am (GMT+1) United Kingdom 3:00am (GMT+1) Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary 7:00am (GMT+6) Bhutan 8:00am (GMT+7) Thailand 9:00am (GMT+8) Singapore, Malaysia, HK, Taiwan 10:00am (GMT+9) Japan 6:00pm (GMT- 6) Arizona, USA (12 Sep) 🌼Preface of Awam Monlam Chenmo🌼 艾旺滿願法會序言 Hi Everyone! Tashi Delek! 大家好!吉祥如意! As an advertisement, this is a short message to all of my students in the world. 我今天要為全球的艾旺家族的弟子和法友們,宣佈一個重要的消息。 I wish to help this world have peace and to benefit sentient beings to reach the great liberation. To do this, there will be a very special program on the full moon on 13 Sept 2019. 9 am Sungapore time! This will be online from Asia, so this program will be live meditation and a living teaching. 為利世界和平以及引導有緣眾生成就正等覺,我決定在西曆二零一九年九月十三日的滿月吉祥日,新加坡時間上午九時正,在網上舉辦一次祈願法會及現場之禪修教授。 We will do some prayers, meditation and practice together. At the end, I am asking everyone in every country to do dedication for everyone. 屆時我們會誦讀祈請文、禪修及一起進行密續修持;並在法會的尾段,將一切功德回向世界每一位的眾生。 This will be the first Awam Monlam Chenmo. I will give outer transmission and when this is done, it is the very same as if we were sitting in the same room together. This program will include: Awam Monlam Chenmo, Four Roots, and the KaJur. The Kajur is the “Collection of Translated Words of the Buddha”. It is 108 volumes and is the Buddhist canon including the Three Pitakas of the Buddha’s Teachings and the Four Orders of Tantra. 此次為第一次的艾旺祈願法會,我會透過互聯網進行基礎密續的口傳教授。透過口傳的功德,將來至世界不同地方的師兄和法友們,緊緊地連在一起;有如置身在同一個地方一起修行學習一樣。此次法會的口傳內容,包括貝扎新寶藏的四根本修持和一百零八卷之甘珠爾大藏經。甘珠爾大藏經被形容為殊勝的經藏,其收錄佛陀的一切教法、當中包括三部論藏及四部密續之教授。 In this program, I will do the outer transmission and this will be from Guru Rinpoche. It is a short version and it is complete. Although it is short, it is the very same as receiving outer transmission of all 108 volumes of the Kajur. 此次我會進行來至蓮師傳規的根本捷道之圓滿教授口傳,並將一百零八卷之甘珠爾大藏經的精華,展現到你們的面前。 If you focus and we do all together, you will have good virtue. This means if you listen to this, you will have the same good virtue. 此舉為殊勝之緣起捷道,如有人誠心地聆聽經藏之口傳聲音,此人在此生中定能增長無盡之福慧。 My wish is that everyone does Awam practice of union of wisdom and compassion. Awam practice means the nature of wisdom and the nature of compassion. Monlam means great dedication. 我祈願艾旺傳承的修法,能俱力地引領大家掌握智慧和慈悲結合嘅技巧。因為艾旺這梵語之本意,就是自然地將智慧和慈悲,無時無刻地結合並運用起來。以滿林的意思就是無私心地廣大回向一切功德。 I will be going to different countries and will do Awam Monlam Chenmo. I will do this program in in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Asia, America, EU and the UK and USA. I will do this for the world to have peace and to benefit sentient beings to reach the great liberation. 從今起我會發心將艾旺滿願法會,啟建在世界的每一個角落。首先在新加坡,然後逐步地在馬來西亞、台灣、香港、中國大陸、美國、英國等等的地方開始我們的滿願法會, 並藉此以擔當祈願世界和平以及引領一切眾生成就無上解脫為己任。 Inner Awam Blessings. Khenchen Lama 願悲智任運加持大家 貝扎法王࿇堪欽喇嘛仁波切
Malaysia 2019: 2nd Awam Monlam Chenmo 2019
Pasang, KL , Malaysia2ND AWAM MONLAM CHENMO 2019 With H.E Khenchen Lama Rinpoche on 15th September, Sunday, Live On Facebook from Malaysia - H.E Khenchen Lama Rinpoche Official Facebook page. Live Broadcast Times: 1:00pm (GMT+1) United Kingdom 2:00pm (GMT+1) Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary 5:30pm (GMT+5.5) India 6:00pm (GMT+6) Bhutan 7:00pm (GMT+7) Thailand, Vietnam 8:00pm (GMT+8) Singapore, Malaysia, HK, Taiwan 9:00pm (GMT+9) Japan 5:00am (GMT- 6) Arizona, USA (15 Sep) 🇲🇾Message from Rinpoche: Tashi Delek Everyone! Today will be the 2nd Awam Monlam Chenmo in Malayasia. It will be an online teaching at 8 pm. The teaching will be of Awam Monlam Chenmo information; transmission of the Kangyur and Awam Monlam Chenmo's book. We will then finish with dedication together. There are three important things for this teaching. First your motivation is for all sentient beings to reach the Awam liberation. Secondly, we will read the Awam Monlam Chenmo sadhana together and do meditation together. The last important thing is for all the Awam members, groups and sanghas in the world to dedicate for world peace and for all sentient beings to reach the great liberation. This prayer of Awam Monlam Chenmo is being done in 197 countries. In Awam. Khenchen Lama.
Taiwan 2019: 100 Buddhas Puja and Samantabhadra Stupa Celebration Ceremony
100 Buddhas Puja Samantabhadra Stupa Celebration Ceremony Private Group Event
Taiwan 2019: Secret Rigpa Guru Yoga Empowerment
台北市光復南路1號B1 台北市光復南路1號B1, TaiwanSecret Rigpa Guru Yoga Mantra Mudra Secret Rigpa Guru Yoga Empowerment 21 Taras Empowerment Yeshe Tsogyal Puja & King Gesar Puja 台北 | 全德藝文中心 己亥年艾旺傳承台灣宏法之旅 台北 ࿇ 全德藝文中心 尊貴的貝扎法王࿇堪欽喇嘛仁波切 蓮華猛咒州伏藏教授 ࿇ 9/21 ࿇ 蓮花皇上師灌頂 2:00PM 格薩爾護法灌頂 7:00PM ࿇ 9/22 ࿇ 大自在手印瑜珈 2:00PM 二十一度母灌頂 7:00PM 主辦:香港艾旺奧明州 場地:台北市光復南路1號B1
Taiwan 2019: Four Roots Empowerment – Taiwan Samye Monastery
龍坑里埔仔頂60-2號 苗栗縣後龍鎮 , TaiwanFour Roots Empowerment Four Roots Meditation Four Roots Teaching Tsok Offering H.E Khenchen Lama Rinpoche with H.E Tulku Sonam Gaytso
Taiwan 2019: Guru Rinpoche Empowerment
台北市民生東路二段104號 , TaiwanGuru Rinpoche Empowerment Teaching of Guru Rinpoche Mantra Mudras Tsok Offering and meditation 台北 ࿇ 藏巴拉佛教文物 尊貴的貝扎法王࿇堪欽喇嘛仁波切 蓮華猛咒州伏藏教授 ࿇ 9/28 ࿇ 蓮師財神灌頂 3:00PM 主辦:藏巴拉佛教文物 場地:台北市民生東路二段104號
Hong Kong 2019: Awam Monlam Chenmo & Dzogchen Kalachakra Empowerment
黃竹坑如心南灣海景酒店 55號 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, Hong Kong各位師兄法友您好: 由於最近香港市面比較混亂,所以有關部門不準備發出在九展相關活動的文件,以及有關人士多次勸喻取消,為保障大家安全着想,所以中心在別無選擇之情況下,改變了法會地址和時間,詳情如下: 日期:二零一九年十月七日 時間:早上十時-艾旺滿林法會 / 下午二時-時輪金剛灌頂 地址:黃竹坑如心南灣海景酒店(Podium level 6) 名額:100人(已報名的不用重覆填表) 在此感謝九展員工連月裡的幫忙,如心南灣海景酒店的安排,以及一眾義工、師兄和法友的支持;希望我們的努力能如願地成就一個利益大眾的法會。 今次法會支出意外地龐大起來;如隨喜發心護持法會,可向本中心的臉書或微信聯絡。另外如因場地改動做成不便,敬請各位法友原諒。 願佛法護佑! 香港艾旺奧明金剛乘瑜珈中心