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    Prophecies Come True

    A long time ago, I wished I could go to China. I had dreams, visions, and a great method. Also, H.H. Kathok Rigzin Chenpo, was in my dream. He is a scientist.…

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    Prophesies for the Year 2030

    by Gochen Tulku Sangngag Tendzin Rinpoche The Great Liberation from the Dangerous Path of Obstacles – An Encouragement to Avert the Hindrances of Dark Times in the Year of the Iron Dog…

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    Empowerments in Hong Kong July 2023

    H.H.Khenchen Lama Rinpoche Hong Kong Teaching Schedule Date: 30 July 2023 Time: 3:30 -7:00pm Seats are limited, register / enquiry via Whatsapp QR code 忿怒蓮師總集為蓮華猛咒州(貝扎)新寶藏的精華結晶,其為三根總集蓮師之所有的威猛忿怒力;當中包含:上師蓮花王、猩红蠻暴力、威猛密咒主、金剛鎧甲、蓮師獅子吼、 獅面空行母、吉祥金翅鳥和格薩爾財神等等。此法擁有完整法本導引及外內密等修法,並完備生圓次第和大圓滿指導。 感謝法王選擇香港作為全球首次傳授的地方,是次場地提供不多於60個座位,中心不設報名留位服務;請各位師兄和法友準時進場,並跟隨中心義工指示 ,好讓法會流程順利。如有疑問;歡迎WhatsApp留言查詢,謝謝大家的合作和關注。